Ways to Give

Sunday Offering

We have a time of "Tithes & Offerings" at every Grace Place Church service. If you wish to make a contribution then feel free to use the offering baskets that are passed out during the service. There are also tithe envelopes available for your convenience.

Online Banking

Electronic Transfer / EFT

If you would prefer to give online through an EFT then please feel free to use any of the appropriate banking details provided below.

*Please find a list of all the different Bank accounts at Grace Place Church

This is our main church account.

 Account Number : 6235 0378 206
 FnB Branch Code : 201 510

Our church bank account for tithes, offerings and donations.
A Banking account used for supporting GPO, GPS, GPZ and outreaches.

 Account Number : 6308 6798 594
 FnB Branch Code : 201 510

Our Grace Place Bible College account.

 Account Number : 6243 - 1800 - 681
 FnB Branch Code : 201 - 510
